Skull and Bones

Music & Lyrics: Daniel Björkbacka / Pat Razket

Once there was a tavern with sailors young and bold
longing for adventures and stories to be told
They begged old Captain Roberts to tell his weirdest tale
and he said: Well.. The sirens’ song, now bring me ale!

First they killed the Spaniards, the worst of enemies
The Spaniards were all drunk so they dragged them into sea
Then they killed the French and called it a revenge
as they sang “Skull and Bones”, the sirens’ song

Creatures in the night they roam
sirens calling sailors home
Beneath the waves they lie in wait
to seal the horny seamen’s fate

They caught the British queen and fed her to the fish
Her young Danish prince was just another dish
The Dutch were caught as well, they dragged them down to hell
as they sang “Skull and Bones”, the sirens’ song

Some of the gathered rascals were quivering with fear
until one lad burst out: Don’t believe all what you hear!
A devious drunkard’s words are bollocks in my ears
so I say cheers… to sail the seas for years and years!

Oh listen pirate bold, the siren’s grip is cold
Once you hear her song you’ll know your time is gone
Down in the deep you go where kelp and seagrass grow
as she sings “Skull and Bones”, the sirens’ song