
Pat Razket

a Swedish pirate folk music band

The Crew

of the ship Pat Razket
  • Joe ”Banned Joe” Blackheart

    Quarter Master - Banjo & Devastation

    ”A scurvy old sea dog be countin’ his gold. Banned and cursed but his stories be told. Quarter Master with a spot marked eye. A scar on his chin, black as ye sin”

  • Charlotte Delahaye

    Privateer – Vocals, Guitar & Bouzouki
  • Benjamin Dover

    Captain - Vovals & Mandolin
  • Nicholas Barbarossa

    Powder Monkey - Bass
  • Sir Aletwig

    Sir - Accordion
  • Big E Smith

    Marooned - Vocals & Guitar
  • Nameless Phil

    Master Gunner - Drums
  • Mr Bones

    Privateer - Bouzouki
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